Safe • Seen • Held • Heard • Nurtured



A journey to the stillness of your Nervous System

An on-the-table experience that blends modalities such as cranio-sacral, energy and soul work.

60 Minutes - $115.50
90 Minutes - $173.00


Drum Attunement


A 30 minute drumming experience that leaves you vibrating at a new frequency.

20-minutes of full-body drumming with a 10 minute integration period for the potency of the experience to settle.

30 Minutes - $68


Mind-Body Webbing


Illuminate the intelligence of your Mind-Body Webbing

Receive an audio translation of relevant mind-body connections that are showing up in your body paired with useful techniques to consciously work with them.
The information is gathered through a questionnaire and Posture Pictures.



Distance Energy Clearing


Feel the potency of Energy

A non-local opportunity to receive the benefits of energy and soul work.
60 Minutes - $115.50
75 Minutes - $145

* Inquire within for on-going support/packages