There is something to be said for the anticipation of having my monthly session with Julie; it truly is my favourite 90 minutes dedicated to my whole self, each month. I say whole self, because something magical happens on her table, my physical body is so trusting of her energy, it softens with her touch, and she has a way of shifting ailments that build up quickly for me. Beyond the physicality of her practice, what I experience mentally, emotionally and spiritually can only be described as a journey. She holds incredible space to journey through past emotions and to release, as well visionary experiences that leave me feeling excited and curious. What I have noticed that makes my experience with Julie different than most other practitioners, is her true presence. She is with you, and that’s felt.
Do your mind, body, and soul a favour by scheduling in with Julie, I’m sure it’ll become your most favourite part of your month as well.
- Nicole